
Fire proof Christians. They will never catch fire and be a light to the World…They try to protect their own life, and in the process they loose it.

A world filled with rat race, injustice, worries, turmoil, wars, adultery, pornography, alcohol, drugs, materialism, selfishness…What is the result?..depression, deseases, bankruptancy, lack of sleep, anxiety, work life imbalance…This depicts the red ocean dominated by the thought that ‘humans’ can do everything by themselves. They do not need guidance and support.

Should we live our short lives of maximum 30,000 days engulfed in this?

Highly inflammable Christians who become light to this world like a candle….They are already dead to this World, and they gain true life…

A world of love, peace, joy, contentment stemming out of the belief that We are God’s children. The almighty Lord created us for specific roles. Alone we cannot do much, but with God, everything is possible. Our almighty Lord is always inviting us to share our burdens to him, so that he can help us. He also says that I am the tree and you are the branches. If you lead a life aligned to my teachings, then you will bear much fruit. This is easier than the red ocean christian life, who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their life’s Master.

How to move from the Red Ocean to Blue Ocean?

It may sound very difficult at first, but once we experience the beauty of the Blue Ocean Christian life, then everything else become secondary. One need to do just two things;

  • Accept Jesus Christ as the one and only God
  • Love thy neighbour as God loves you